The Engagment Ring - A movie you find highly amusing at was like My Big Fat Greek Wedding meets a cheese harlequin movie (I could give you the plot but then it would be admiting the fact that I have actually watched such said movie)
Walk to Remember - One very simple question - why? I'm not sure what possessed me to pop in this DVD and I suffered the consequences....*sniffle*
Ratatouille - Very cute and amusing animated movie! I left the theatre wanting to go home and cook a gourmet meal since "anyone can cook!" Definitely a re-watch.
Blood Diamond - I just finished watching this tonite and it has left an impact. Just crazy insane what people are capable of doing for one diamond. We get caught up in such trivial matters in life when there are such more things in life to be concerned about...*sigh* I think this movie deserved Academy Awards for such outstanding performances and the reason alone that it's a movie about a social and economic issue.
I think I'm a little movie-d out for a while. Still so many to see this summer but I'm taking a break!