I finally realized why I miss a certain ex-coworker and friend so much lately and it has me thinking. Dang I miss the witty banter and jabs at each other. Comebacks? Ha, haven't had to use on in a while and that makes me sad.
Short end of it #2:
Never "rib" your pastor the night before church about something that can be brought up in his sermon. Oh gosh, talk about wanting to throw something at the pulpit. Revenge will be mine.
(Check this link to check out the recording - "Don't Look Back Part 2. About 6 minutes into the message)
Short end of it #3:
Want to make swimming a regular activity - I miss it so much.
Short end of it #4:
I feel guilty about not going to the gym. MUST. GO. TONITE.
lol.. i listened to your pastor!! he sounds so fun!! i wish bernie were like that sometimes... more loose and easy going. but, we had some good laughs actually last week, but i can't talk to him like you can your pastor. That's awesome! sounds like a cool guy!
OH, and I love old Navy too and so wanna go.. maybe next time i'm at my sisters, we can go for a shopping time! :D sounds like a plan to me! you??
love ya!!