I'm tired.
Take this burden from me.
Lift my spirits
because I'm feeling crushed.
I NEED you more than I need life.
carefree, wind swirling,
laughter bubbling out of my mouth like a stream.
Floating, tip toeing across the sky,
Soaring above the world, absent of thought.
Slowly dropping back to earth,
please catch me before I fall.
(written tonight)
Inhale. Warm sweet summer air.
A hand reaches up palms facing the heavens.
Head tilts up, eyes close.
Jesus, my Saviour.
You pick me up out of this grave.
Your life breaths into me.
Beautiful, beautiful is my image of you.
You are everything.
What my heart longs for.
What my heart aches for.
Fill me Jesus with your love forever.
I will run to you with arms open wide
Sun beaming, breaking through the clouds.
(Written on July 17th, 2007)
Gut wrenching sobs. Tears streaming down, soaking into her skin.
She cries.
Love so deep, unconditional, everlasting. More than compromising, it's a sacrifice.
She cries.
Longing to breath deep, reaching beyond just to grasp on to the edge.
She cries.
Forgiveness, acceptance and respect is all she longs for.
A place, safe and worthy to be warrant trust. To be herself, to feel a sense of belong. To be pushed, grow and mature. What must it take? How much must she give?
To hold her heart out and have it stomped on?
A rut she doesn't want, heartache she keeps feeling.
She cries.
Soft words and a gentle heart, a peace settles like leaves slowly falling from a tree.
She looks up.
Honesty, compassion and encouragement flow out. Soaking it all in.
She smiles.
(Written on May 29th, 2007)