I so needed a booster juice with protein this morning but lo and behold, the store was closed!! (First time, ever!) To make up for the loss I've eaten a fruit-to-go, 2 apples and half a granola bar and I'm still hungry! Plus there is the temptation of the timbits on the kitchen table.
I'm craving a smoothie something fierce!

*UPDATE* The craving is still here. Booster Juice better be open after work otherwise I'm taking my business elsewhere.. *cough*starbucks*cough*
*UPDATE#2* Fixed craving. :D
Why were they closed? boo I so wanted a smoothie too. So instead I ate 3 marshmallows... bad Cynthia, good Michelle.
Good job going for a work out before work. It does help you concentrate more through the day and keeps you more energized. I know it make me feel better. Marshmallows aren't that bad, they give you energy.