From the 7th-9th we kept busy by attending Grey Township's 150th Anniversary which included: talent show, fireman's breakfast, beef dinner, church service, parade, and fireworks.
Monday to Friday (10-14) was spent at Point Farms Provincial Park camping! It was a fairly relaxing weekend dispite a few incidents such as:
- 10 hours of constant downpour of rain - were told we got 2 inches overnite. Lots of water = mess of mud and use of all towels on hand! Both tents leaked a bit, guess i'll need sealent next time!
- Burn - decided not to wear sunscreen on an overcast day...regretfully. Had probs sleeping and being exposed to any sun for 3 days.
- Stubbing my toe - so hard that i cracked my baby toe nail which eventually got ripped out. Surprisingly enough it didn't hurt for very long. Now I'm just short a toe nail.
- Having half my parents church camp the same week and in the same area of sites.
- Allergies kicked into high gear...stupid hay and tasseling of corn. I swear my allergies have gotten worse in the past year. Thank goodness for Aerius the miracle 24hr pill.
- Swimming in the lake and throwing around a frisbee (bright pink one we've had since I was knee high to a grasshopper)
- Mini-golf and ice cream just before the rain hit! Dad won by a measly 5 points.
- Going on bike adventures with Yvonne, my tailbone has yet to recover.
- Sunsets
- Sleeping outdoors and walking up without an alarm.
- Spending time with family
- Campfires and playing cards (mom cheats at Dutch Blitz!)
- Lying on the beach catching some rays and reading
- Biking with my dad along the beach shore - coolest thing ever! The walk back up to camp is the toughest part.
Cheesest quote:
Me: "We need to get these 2 tents up!"
Dad: "I know what your problem is! You're too tense! Get it? Two tents!"
*rolls eyes*
And people think I'm cheesy! :P
For more pictures: