I'm officially on my first night of being on nights! Let me tell you, it's odd to be driving into work in the dead of night. (Although talk about no traffic! :P) The lab is brightly light yet secluded from the production floor so all the corridors are eerily dark and shadowy. It's weird being here at these hours, weird I tell ya!
Anyways, so my official job is "lab operator" in the Materials Interconnect Lab at RIM working on an XRF machine Sun-Thur from midnight 'til 8am. Not exactly glamorous but it's a learning experience to say the least! For the first 7 ish weeks I was put on days just so I could get comfortable learning everything so that is why today is so different as I'm now on the shift I will always be on. Thankfully I'm not alone at night, I work with another guy as well except English is his second language so it's always interesting communicating!
Be prepared to see blog posts at random times at night as I will be bored and tired at times so I apologize in advance for any forth coming confusion in future ramblings.
Status: Very alert
Time: 1:54am
Hunger level: low
Thirst level: medium
Feeling: Glad I wore a warm hoodie
Wishing: My lips weren't so dry