To refill, renew
like water crashing over a cliff.
A life is worth living; not dying to life's monotony.
Just to dig a hole and pop down below, to breath in the earthy air and let out a sigh.
Days pass like a car blurring by, I keep seeing reflections but everything seems so a far.
Inside my heart yearns for some quiet.
All these committments, distractions and work. We toil so long for so little and forget
who we are.
So many times we leave out an element in the perfect equation, thinking long and hard
why we can't see to make it equal.
Just stand outside and stretch out your arms, look up to the sky and draw in a few deep
breaths while letting your face stretch into a smile.
Look, see that bird? The one who flys without a care? He lives free.
Forget all your worries and woes, push out some air and sing a few notes.
For now is your time, make it the most.
Yes, time keeps ticking away. It seems like a blur at times. We should all step back and take a moment to reflect where our life is going and what we would like to accomplish. Because some day we will be in a better place. We will have no more worries about life. We will be rejoicing in the heavens. Thanks for the inspiration.