J: "So I should more obnoxious like you?!?"
M: "Ouch"
C: "Can I see your eyes? Yup, still not feeling well"
I always thought eyes were the window to your soul, not your sickness...
J: "I heard that K..er, um the photocopier is on the fritz"
E: "Sandy Claus and Chris Mouse?"
M: "it's so cheese"
E: "that's funny"
M: "cheese! ha, ha I just got my own joke. Man I'm slow"
K: "I don't want to be on your stinky ladder"
TYS quote from a while back:
M: "Stupid piece of crap!" (in reference to a broken umbrella)
F: "I thought you were talking about C."
M: "Well that's a given..."
Wow kiddo, these are awesome :D Three points for you!