I read a lot (especially lately). I love search-word puzzles. I love to type. I used to write poetry. Actually I still do...sort of. It's more descriptive paragraphs but I do. The latest is definitely one written so mushy it is only for my hubby's eye's at the moment!
So what is my story? And how is it different than many other stories already been told? A girl born and raised in the country, goes off to College, graduates, moves to a big tri-city, after a good chunk of years meets the man of her dreams and gets married? There is a lot more "meat" between those milestones though. Great joy and sorrow. Cancer. Family drama. Spirituality. Conflict. Identity crisis.
There are a lot of things I feel like I missed learning about growing up. Education which to me would be deemed necessary to know in life. I don't blame parents, I don't really blame anyone. Circumstance, tradition, location. They all played a part in who I am today and as time moves on, I keep changing.
I don't know if I need to explore this or just blog once in a while to get it off my chest?
Do I have a story worth telling?