Lotus Notes.
I have never used Lotus Notes until the last month and well, I have an opinion about this program.
First off, I had no concept of what Lotus Notes was or the functions of the program in an office. Now I know - it 's like Outlook but not in a good way. Lotus is bulky and not very efficient. Figuring out how to compose a new email took me a couple minutes! Actually the item that took me the longest to figure out was how to create a signature and automatically have it attach to each new "memo". That's another thing that bugs me - why do they have to label emails as memos? Is labelling it an email too cutting edge? Then there's the issue with each new "memo" opening in a new tab. Terribly annoying when you want to toggle between multiple emails and other documents. I'm also not fond of the contacts database because again it's not very easily organized compared to my experience with Outlook.
This brings me to my question, how retro is Lotus Notes? Is it relevant with today's fast paced technology? Is it a cheap alternative to Outlook? What convinces companies to go with this program?
Mind you the only bonus to learning about this program is that now I can list it under office software programs I am knowledgeable in! Will this add value to my resume? I have my doubts.
Now I know why I don't like using Lotus Notes - the version I've been using is seriously outdated - version 6.5: (no wonder!)