Nasi goreng (Indonesian for fried rice) literally nasi means rice and goreng means fried. The dish is often accompanied by additional items such as a fried egg, fried chicken, satay, or krupuk (fried crackers / chips made of shrimp or vegetables). (
Why it fits into the dutch culture:
Because of the Dutch colonial past, there has been a considerable Asian influence on Dutch cuisine. From the 16th century onwards all sorts of spices mainly from the Dutch Indies were introduced into Dutch cuisine. Hence many traditional Dutch dishes are (heavily) flavoured with Southeast Asian herbs and spices. Later Indonesian dishes such as nasi goreng, rice with chicken or pork, became part of Dutch cuisine. (
Why I like it:
It's super duper easy to make and you usually end up with oodles of leftovers! It's a good thing my mom taught me how to make it as the instructions are only in dutch of which I cannot read...
Nasi is made by taking that contents of the package - put in one cup container then add hot water to fill cup. Let sit for 15 minutes and add it to the beef mixture. Stir and combine with rice. Done.
End result: